About Chocomize
The Beginnings
Initially, the concept behind Chocomize was to give consumers the ability to customize their dream chocolate bars. When the company launched, it offered premium Belgian chocolate, customizable with up to five ingredients. Thanks to an influx of publicity, O! - The Oprah Magazine, CNN, the New York Times, The View, Shark Tank and many more media powerhouses, the company was inundated with orders. That was a good thing, but quickly became too much of a good thing: customizing up to 1,000 orders per day, packaging them up and shipping them to individual addresses, became a round-the-clock struggle for the fledgling company.
A More Sustainable Model Emerged
As one division of Chocomize worked overtime to fulfill an avalanche of consumer orders, another began offering their premium chocolate bars stamped with logos. These made ideal corporate chocolate gifts and custom chocolate bars for retailers. The production requirements for selling in bulk to corporate clients and retailers were much more streamlined than they were with individual sales. Instead of spending a huge amount of time crafting each chocolate bar with a different ingredients, the company only had to manufacture a few different products in very high quantities to fulfill their corporate and retail orders.
Chocomize Made a Strategic Decision: It Would Do One Thing and Do it Very Well
For a while, the company ran two divisions: an online consumer division and corporate gifting and retail division. Over time, uncontrollable external factors meant that fulfilling individual orders would become too expensive for customers. For example, shipping costs skyrocketed. It simply wasn’t possible for Chocomize to offer free shipping and free returns and make a profit. Conversely, it didn’t make sense for customers to pay to have their orders shipped. In some cases, the shipping costs would have been three times higher than the cost of the chocolate they ordered (even higher in summer!) Faced with this dilemma, Chocomize opted to discontinue its individual sales and focus exclusively on the corporate gifting and retail channels.
Chocomize’s Outlook for the Future? Sweet!
Streamlining its operation to focus on the most sustainable path means that Chocomize can now fully satisfy its customers’ demand for high-quality logo chocolate bars, elegant truffle sets, chocolate coins, squares and much more! All of that while maintaining the highest service standards and fast turnaround. No longer tasked with churning out thousands of unique individual orders, the Chocomize team is freed up to focus on creating innovative corporate chocolate gifts and logo chocolates for its core client base: business customers and the hospitality industry.
If your company is looking to wow your clients with truly unique corporate gifts that raise brand awareness and that your clients will be happy to receive, your search is over. How many people do you know who don’t love chocolate? Exactly. Stay tuned and check back often for exciting news about our newest corporate gift offerings!